Can I Drink Tap Water in Brazil?

Waterfall panoramic view Brazil

Tap water in Brazil is a contentious issue. While officially, tap water in many Brazilian cities is potable, the quality can be inconsistent and it’s not uncommon for contaminants to get into the system after the water has been treated. 

When treated, Brazilian tap water can taste and smell strongly of chlorine. This means it’s safe to consume but isn’t as pleasant as bottled water. 

Some houses, restaurants and accommodation options in Brazil have additional filters attached to their plumbing systems. When used properly, these ensure tap water is safe to consume. Always ask at your accommodation whether their tap water is safe to drink – they’ll be able to tell you one way or another. 

In rural areas, tap water is rarely safe to drink. Water may be drawn straight from a shallow well, or from a river with no treatment at all. You should avoid drinking tap water when visiting rural locations in Brazil. It’s also worth noting that towns and cities near beaches (except Rio) tend to have much worse water quality than more inland locations. 

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Water in Brazil 

Can I Brush My Teeth With Tap Water in Brazil?

In many cosmopolitan areas, you can brush your teeth with tap water in Brazil. But in rural areas, you should stick to bottled, boiled or filtered water for brushing your teeth. 

Brushing you teeth with tap water in Brazil is safe in most places!

Can I Wash My Face With Tap Water in Brazil?

Yes, you can wash your face with tap water in Brazil. In locations with questionable water quality, make sure you don’t swallow any or get it in your eyes! 

Do Locals in Brazil Drink Tap Water?

It depends where you are. In some places, Brazilians drink tap water but often only if it’s been filtered. Even in places with clean, safe water, some people opt to drink bottled water because they prefer the taste. 

Is Ice in Brazil Safe?

Ice in Brazil is generally safe to consume – especially in large towns and cities. However, if you’re close to the beach, you should avoid ice in your drinks (yes, even your cocktails!) as the water quality near beach towns tends to be worse than in other parts of the country! 

How to Ask for No Ice:

In Portuguese: “Sem gelo por favor”

Bottled Water in Brazil

Bottled water is common in Brazil. Expect to pay around 5BRL (approx $1USD) for a litre bottle. The price per litre goes down if you buy bigger bottles. 

Can I Use A Filtered Water Bottle in Brazil?

Yes, you can use a filtered water bottle in Brazil. We recommend sticking to a purifier, which removes viruses and heavy metals as well as bacteria. Our favourite travel purifier is the Grayl UltraPress

You can use a water purifier to clean tap water in Brazil!

Tap Water in Brazil – Is It Drinkable?

Tap water in Brazil is sometimes drinkable – it depends where you are in the country. In Brazil’s larger towns and cities, tap water is officially safe to drink but contamination issues have plagued the supply for years. Locals often stick to bottled water because it’s more consistent and they prefer the taste. Always ask at your accommodation whether the tap water is drinkable, some properties have extra filters built into their plumbing system.

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